Session 5: Questions to Ponder
By the end of this session you should be able to:
speak intellegently about whether or not process evangelism is the 'answer to all our problems'
speak intellegently about the place of both tradtional and fresh expressions of church
begin to describe the relationship between faith and culture
This day will be led by Rev'd Daniel Cooke and Ben Martin with guest speaker Rev'd Aidan Watson. It will consist of a mixture of short sessions, the morning ones following up on your learning from Session 2-4 and introducing a new theme in the afternoon. We look foward to seeing you!

Zoom Link
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 2976 7813
Passcode: 619070
As usual, the room will be open from 8.45am. Please join by 8.55am and if you could setup your own name as your “username” on zoom that would be helpful! Please also have your notes from sessions 2-4 handy as we will be discussing your findings.
The programme for the day can be found here