Zoom Link and Programme
Meeting ID: 996 0441 5886
Passcode: Vocation
The Programme for the day can be found here
Pick two or three of the case studies from the pdf file. Reflect for a moment on the similarities between them - and then the differences.
What learning have you done that supports their story of vocation? Is there anything you'd like to challenge in their story? Or anything you wish you knew more about?
Bring your thoughts and questions to the study day for discussion.
Recording from the Study Morning
Passcode: 8xicS=Br
Assignment Tips
In this section are some tips and hints to help you with the assignment.
Start with this this Youtube clip on how to interview someone on camera.
There are some really good general tips and hints in this video that will help you to plan your interview.
If you aren't able to see your chosen interviewees face to face an audio recording of a phone call, or Zoom meeting, is just fine. The following Youtube videos will help you with phone recordings. Make sure both you and your interviewee are loud enough for the marker to hear.
Of course, if you have your own software with which you are familiar please do use that. Once you have recorded your interview please contact the Director of Studies (dawn.glen@derby.anglican.org) who will send you a link to submit the recording to.
Please do start to consider what your questions might be - and even ask each other - and get some practice in, before arranging your recording devices, settings and lighting (if using your phone to video).
Importantly - don't sweat it! We're not looking for the most professional recording! We're looking for evidence of learning from the module. Your choice of questions and your reflections afterwards will best reflect this. So make sure you bring in to your questions and your reflections what you've learned from the module.
Loving God
In this continuing time of difficulty may your peace fill us and those we love. Where we can't offer a touch, a hug or handshake to communicate your love, may we use words, symbols and pictures. Help us to know how best to meet ht needs of those around us who need to know your comforting touch. May your love fill us all to overflowing.