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Bible discussion group


Part A: Resource for Others

Working in your designated group and using the template in the Resources section below, design and write a bible study resource that could be used by any church small group to introduce the prophet Amos, his message and its relevance for today (you should NOT actually deliver this to a group, it is a written resource, so is meant to be available for groups to use without you being present).  This should be a single session (imagine the Diocese is producing a series of these overview resources for churches on all the prophetic books and you have been asked to produce the one on Amos). Don't ask participants to read the whole book first - you should give them key passages to read during the session.


You should use the knowledge you have gained from the module, putting it into an engaging and informative session that includes discussion questions. The resource should be no more than 2500 words long. The resouce should be submitted to your GoogleDrive folder. In the Resources section you will find a Guidance sheet to help you with the assignment, please read it before you start.


Length: 2500 words

Please name your file 'Assignment Part A - Resource for Others'


Part B: Rationale

Using the  template in the Resources section below, write or audio record a rationale for your project.  We are looking for why you made the choices you did rather than what the choices were (which we can see from the resource itself!). Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the finished resource and what you might do differently on another occasion. You will be marked on your ability to integrate theory and practice, to analyse and argue for your choices and your ability to reflect critically on the finished resource. Each student should  submit to their GoogleDrive folder (email to obtain the link).  You may write this part of the assignment or record it as an audio/video file. Make sure you include a full bibliography of any books/videos you read/watched to help you with your part of the session.


Length: 1000 word or 10 minutes.

Please name your file 'Assignment Part B - Rationale'


Due by: 26th April 2024

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