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Information for Incumbents


Can students do the Specialist Ministry modules first?


Yes we can arrange that.  If you have identified someone who you think has gifts in a particular area (perhaps especially those who may be called to 'up front' ministries) and you would like them to receive some training in this area before they commence the rest the of the course that can be done.  Please contact the Director of Studies (, 0115 7838103) for a chat about it before the student fills in an application form so that arrangements can be made. Please note that this does not apply to those on the LLM(Reader) pathway which must be followed in the prescribed order.


What support will I need to give students?


It depends on whether they are taking assignments or not.  If not, then your support will be minimal if anything at all. However, if students are doing assignments they will be practical projects so will need your permission at the very least.  If they are doing the Certificate in Mission and Ministry (CMM) they will need a statement of support from you and preferably the support of the PCC.  It is best practice to meet with the student once per module to see how they progressing.  At the end of the programme it will be your decision as to whether or not the student is allowed to minister in their chosen  pathway in your parish(es). Please note that for students on the LLM(Reader) pathway this is different and there is a seperate booklet outlining the supervisor's role for this pathway.


What support will I get from the Diocese as a supervisor?


The Director of Studies will be in contact with you at the beginning of the course and towards the end of programme.  We don't want to pressure you so we won't be constantly in touch, but if there are any issues that arise during training please get in contact with us straight away and we will do everything we can to help.


What other support will students have?


Students will have regular study days with module leaders and specialist speakers as well as being able to contact module leaders and the Director of Studies whenever they need to.  Each student who is taking a module for assessment will be allocated to a learning support group with an leader that has expertise in the subject and in helpin gothers learn. These groups meet on Zoom once a week or once a fortnight for a 'drop in' coffee and chat session. Learning Support Group Leaders will also comment on student's posts in the discussion forum. In addition to this we will encourage students to gather around them supportive 'critical friends' in the church and for those studying on the full CTMM programme we will also strongly advise the support of a Spiritual Director.


Is the Certificate in Theology of Mission and Ministry (CTMM) a University Qualification?


No, the CTMM is only valid in the Diocese and it does not have anything to do with a University, though the advanced level modules are at university undergraduate level.  If students want to do a University course at any time they may be able to put some of their learning towards whatever qualification they wanted to take but that would be up to the University to decide. Please note that it does not entitle or authorise students to operate any ministry in your parish(es). That is entirely in your gift as is the responsiblity to ensure the correct level of DBS check and safeguarding training are in place if you do so.


Does the Certificate in Theology of Mission and Ministry (CTMM) result in a ministry license?


Only one pathway results in a license, the Licensed Lay Ministry (what used to be called Reader) pathway.  For all the other pathways, as noted above, students who successfully complete the CTMM will only be able to minister in their chosen field in their home parish if they have their incumbent's permission and the support of the PCC along with the necessary DBS check and safeguarding training. This course does not provide any kind of Bishop's license nor does it in any way confer her authorisation to minister apart from the LLM(Reader) pathway.

©2019 Diocese of Derby

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