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Film Clapboard



10 minutes each for the interviews and 10 minutes (0r 1000 words) in total for your Reflection (ie 5 minutes per interview)


Please make sure you have read the Guide to Referencing in the Resources Section before you start.


Interview two people you know who you think have a clear call.  Record the interviews either by video or audio, whichever you prefer and submit these to your Google Drive folder (email who will send you the link to your folder. Instructions for how to upload your recording and any other files can be found in the Resources section).


When you have completed the interviews you can either write or record your reflections on what you learned from them and how that relates to what you have learned during this module. 


NB: the people you interview could have specific roles in the church (Reader, Children's Worker, Vicar etc) or they could have specific roles outside of the church (teacher, nurse, doctor, solicitor etc), it doesn't matter what their role is, what matters is their sense of calling to that role.


(In the Resources section you will find an example of good practice from the Pastoral Care module. The content is different but the length, clarity of sound, carefully chosen questions and reflections are good examples of the sort of thing you need to be doing.)


If you decide to write your reflections please use the document template in the resources section below.


Please name your files 'Interview 1', 'Interview 2' and 'Reflections on Interviews'


When you are ready to submit the assignments, please email who will send you a link to your Google Drive folder. Insturctions for how to upload the files can be found below.

Assignment Due Date: 26th July 2024


Don't forget to fill in the Module Evaluation Form (link in Resources section below) as you can't pass the module until it's done.

1. Interview 1
00:00 / 09:37
2. Interview 2
00:00 / 11:48
3. Concluding Thoughts Part 1
00:00 / 04:27
4. Concluding Thoughts Part 2
00:00 / 04:45

How to Record on Zoom

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