On the next few pages you will find information about the Discipleship Training modules and the Certificate in Theology of Mission and Ministry. We hope you find all the information you need here but if you have any questions at all lease do contact us - we are here to help.
(NB: only registered students will be approved to become site members)

This training has been designed to grow and deepen faith. It is in modular format (so each subject area is studied over 10 sessions) and in order to make it as widely accessible as possible it is mostly delivered by indepent distance learning with some shared learning sessions. The training is open to all who want to learn more about their faith and also to those who want to develop in ministry. You can work towards a Certificate in Theology of Mission & Ministry by completing the whole course with assignments or you can simply do the modules for your own faith journey. You can do one module or many, and you can start, stop for a while and then pick up again later.
You can find more information by clicking on the links below or the tabs at the top of the page.
To apply please click on 'How to Apply' below. or the Apply Tab above

Contact Diocese of Derby
Course Director: Rev'd Dawn Glen
Tel: 01332 388674
Course Administrator: Fiona Bennett
Tel: 01332 388670
Church House
Full Street