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Session 10: Wealth & Poverty in the NT


By the end of this session you should be able to: 


  • understand and describe the attitudes to wealth and poverty in the New Testament

  • understand and describe the disruptive nature of gospel imperatives regarding wealth and poverty 

  • understand and describe the connection between religious observance and ethical actions



Still our minds loving God, and help us to focus on you. May we see you more clearly,

love you more dearly and follow you more nearly

as we explore your revelation to us in the bible.

Speak to us as we learn this day.


Programme & Zoom Link

The room will be open from 8.45am at this link:


Meeting ID: 825 1728 5345
Passcode: 953661


The programme for the morning can be found here.


In preparation, please think about what you would like to share with others about your learning from the previous session. Either before or during the day, please complete the Module Evalution form which you will find here.


Recordings From the Morning

OTB Eventbrite Image.png

Click on the image to access the recordings.

The passcode is: 3tL=T^pB


©2019 Diocese of Derby

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