Session 1: Background & Genre
By the end of this session you should be able to:
begin to understand and describe the background of the Old Testament writings in terms of the social, political, cultural and economic setting of the Ancient Near East (ANE);
describe the different canons of scripture and how they originated;
give a clear basic outline of the course of Old Testament timeline;
begin to understand how the Old Testament was written and identify the different genres of writing contained in it;
understand how to create good short reflections on your learning
Zoom Link and Programme
Please make sure your screen name is set to your proper name and please be in the meeting by 9.00am. The room will be open from 8.45am. Many thanks.
The programme for the morning can be found here
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 883 2976 7813
Passcode: 619070
Choose an image (in picture format please) that represents what the OT means to you (eg a mountain because it speaks of the awesomeness of God, mist because the OT is difficult to understand etc) and email it to by Friday 3rd January. Be prepared to say on the Shared Learning Morning, in no more than two sentences, why you chose the image.
Please make sure you have a bible with you.
Parts 1 & 2: Background, Canons & Genre
Recordings will be posted here after the morning,
and the PowerPoint slides for all the sessions will be avaialbe in the Resources section as a pdf file.
You can click on the link below to see an article on some new fragments of the Dead Sea Scrolls that were recently discovered.
Part 3: Study Skills