Session 1: Overview of the Bible
By the end of this session you should be able to:
give an overview of the timeline and structure of the Bible
state how the Old Testament relates to the New and the ways in which the NT moves on from that OT
give an account of the major themes of the bible.
Still our minds loving God, and help us to focus on you. May we see you more clearly,
love you more dearly and follow you more nearly
as we explore your revelation to us in the bible.
Speak to us as we learn this day.

Programme & Zoom Link
The room will be open from 8.45am at this link:
Meeting ID: 942 2697 1120
Passcode: OTB
When in Zoom meetings please
use the raise hand icon when you want to speak, don't just chime in
listen to each other, don't speak over one another
be respectful when disagreeing with someone else's point of view.
The programme for the morning can be found here.
Please prepare for the morning by completing the exercises in the pdf document.
Recordings From the Morning
Passcode: !FJZc84.